If You’re a High School, Club, or College Coach Who is Ready to Teach Your Student-Athletes the Critical “Mental Toughness” Skills to Win Championships and Realize Their Potential…


Because The Best Coaches Have All Realized that Great Student-Athletes Aren't Born...THEY ARE TRAINED

And it's the Mastery of 
MENTAL TOUGHNESS that is the Secret Ingredient to Achieving Peak Performance! 

There are 5 Critical Mental Toughness Skills Every Student-Athlete Needs to Master if They Honestly Expect to Be Their Best! 

That's Why We Provide Coaches a Plug'n'Play Training Program to Teach Student-Athletes How to Leverage the Mental Side of the Game so they Lead with Confidence & Win Championships!

If you're a high school, club, or college coach struggling to pull the potential out of your student-athletes, read carefully as this might be the most important letter you read...

 From the Desk of Matt Phillips, Former Professional Athlete:

As a coach, I imagine you got into coaching for multiple reasons… 

  • To give back to sports that gave so much to you. 
  • To teach the athletes the lessons that come from playing sports. 
  • To help your athletes push beyond what they think is possible. 
  • To get them to be great leaders and teammates.
  • And to WIN lots of games and championships along the way.

And that does not come without challenges, especially in today's environment. Today's athlete is not yesterday's athlete. 

When I played sports growing up, my coaches drilled into us that the “mental side” was critical for success.   

In fact, we’ve all heard that sports is 90% mental and 10% physical.

But, here’s the thing, I didn’t really know what that meant.  I knew it was getting back up after I was knocked down, but that was the extent of it.  

I felt like we were always “talking the talk” but never “walking the walk”.  This mysterious concept of mental toughness never felt tangible.

This led me to ask the deeper questions over the years, “When I say the ‘mental side’ or ‘mentally tough’, what behaviors are we really trying to drive?”  “What mental skills were missing when I played sports that I wish I had developed for myself and with my team?”

As I look back, I struggled with my confidence as an athlete.  Even though I was fortunate to play D-1 baseball and pro baseball overseas, I still struggled with confidence for a long time, until I learned how to approach it in a new way.

Perhaps some of the athletes you coach today are struggling with their own lack of confidence, where you know if they played with self-belief, they would be unstoppable.   

Maybe it’s not just confidence struggles, but when we’ve talked to coaches, we’ve even heard things like lack of accountability, lack of focus (hello social media!!), emotions getting the best of them, among many others. I imagine you might be experiencing the same with your athletes and teams. 

That’s where “Mental Toughness” comes in…  

And why we have defined exactly what it means and identified the behaviors that student-athletes must develop to not only win games, but also excel in school and life.

So, what does being “Mentally Tough” really mean?

But, telling an athlete to be "mentally tough" is way different than teaching them to apply and master "mental toughness".  That’s exactly why we have built a curriculum to teach these student-athletes how to make this happen! To truly understand it at a level that they can apply it over and over again in every sport and every time they step out onto the court, field, pool, etc. And in every area of life.

➡️ Because if student-athletes can learn to be great teammates and leaders, and develop the right mindset, the sky is literally the limit for them personally and with their team. ⬅️

And that’s why we want to invite you, Coach, to be part of our mission. To help you get even more out of your student-athletes. To provide you a training resource that you can utilize in or off season to grow your student-athletes to be Mentally Tough.

You are already doing amazing things with these athletes, and we want to help you take it to the next level with our expertise on Mental Toughness and Leadership.

👉🏼 Are you ready to take it to the next level? 👈🏼


 This membership is unlike any other student-athlete training (mindset or leadership) out there on the market today. 

…It’s a complete training system that will not only transform your student-athletes and help them win championships, but also equip them with life-long skills to perform at their highest level in everything they do…

And you will be THE coach with all the skills to create student-athletes that are Confident, Focused, Emotionally-In-Control, Energetic, and Consistent LEADERS in school and in sports!

Imagine for a moment what it would mean to have your student-athletes... 👇🏼

⭐️ Focused when they show up to practice and games, locked in and ready to perform

⭐️ Intentional with how they approach practice, so they develop the skills necessary to improve their craft

⭐️ Vocal with their teammates, encouraging them to do their best and improve when they need to

⭐️ Confident in their abilities, and willing to ask for help when needed

⭐️ Consistent in putting in the work, doing the small things the right way that translates to better performance in the classroom and field

Over the past couple of years I've seen SO many student-athletes struggle, and with only a short high school or club career in front of them, it felt like it wasn't fair to just let these years go by without doing something about it. 

This training system is KEY to making this happen. 

But, don't take my word for it.

Here’s what coaches, parents, and athletes who have already experienced this program have to say: 

“I needed help with mental training of my athletes. I don't have the background. I don't have the time to research and do all those things and build all those things.  It's so important that kids understand and have coping skills in their toolbox when it comes to failure with relationships, school and sports.  I did ask for help, and you delivered, and it made me feel really, really good”

– Jim D.
(High School Varsity Baseball Coach)

“It's 100% worth it.  I've seen confidence in these kids that they didn't have before. I've seen commitment that I haven't seen before. I've seen team bonding that I haven't seen before and I think it's a hundred percent because of this program.”

– Evan D.
(High School Varsity Hockey Coach)

“My son is much more in the driver's seat. And not that he doesn't have the emotions, but he knows he can put them in check and just take it like a dose of reality. Like, okay, here's my couple scenarios and he can run through it and he can think it through and which is not totally normal for a 15 year old boy, so both my husband and I attribute the difference to your program.”

– Wendy
(Mother of a High School Hockey Player)

So, what’s included in this program?

There are two key sections within this training program:


Student-Athlete Mental Toughness & Leadership Training

(so your athletes show up mentally strong and take control of their performance)


Next Level Coaches Leadership & Development Training

(so you show up your best and have an even bigger impact on your athletes!)

Let's break it all down 👇🏼


This coach led training (TURN KEY PLATFORM) for your athletes (each topic takes approximately 30 minutes) will be a game changer. Literally all you have to do as the coach is print the handouts, go to the topic that week in the membership site, and press play…I take care of the rest. I guide your student-athletes (and you) through exactly what they need to do.

This program includes the following training:

Training #1:
Build Your Stand: Defining What You Stand For

You need an unshakable foundation and core to be truly successful as a student-athlete. In this module your athletes will get clear on their personal ethos, and the principles, actions and reactions that define their daily decisions...so they can be the leader you were meant to be in every situation!

Training #2:
The Momentum Journal: The Goal Setting Process to Create Massive Momentum

90% of the time, your athletes know what to do. They just don’t know how to stick to it. In this module they will discover a new approach to ensure they AND their team are doing the right things... consistently. Your Momentum Journal and methodology will help you build massive momentum to achieve their goals and eliminate inconsistencies that could hold them and their team back.

Training #3:
Asking for Help

Sometimes asking for help is seen as a weakness, like something is wrong. We’ll will completely shift their mindset about this topic and get them to reach out to optimize their performance, in school and sports!

Training #4:
Mastering Your Emotions

Emotions can get the better of any of us. Sometimes even the smallest thing can make your athletes angry or frustrated and throw you completely off track! Every great athlete knows the value of being in control of their emotions as opposed to letting them be in control, and we'll show your athletes how to do it the right way.

Training #5:
Your Alter Ego

Your student-athletes need to understand how to tap into their best selves, and I will help them develop their Alter Ego to achieve just that. This is a really fun exercise that your athletes will love!

Training #6:

Routines rule, and in this training, I teach your student-athletes how to optimize their routines, whether pre-game, in-game, or post-game.  Because when you do this, your mind is in the right place and optimized as well!

Training #7:
I AM Statements

We live in a society where self-talk is more important than ever.  And this module is designed to help your athletes understand the neuro-science behind this concept and become proponents of themselves and their teammates.  It’s all about self-talk!

Training #8:
Intentional Practice

It’s not practice that matters…it’s intentional practice.  I will get your athletes to take their practices to the next level through this critical concept I introduce.

Training #9:

Visualize success to actually experience success!  In this module, I will introduce your student-athletes to the neuro-science behind this key concept, and get them to take action to take their performance to a whole new level.

Training #10:
Game Film Review

I imagine you are watching game film as a team.  Well, this concept is an offshoot of this, and is actually not about watching physical film at all.  Instead, I will get your student-athletes to look completely differently at how they analyze what they do and how they do it, day in and day out.

Training #11:
Your Dream Team

As they say, it’s all about surrounding yourself with great people…and in this module, I will show your student-athletes how to develop a powerful network of supporters, mentors, and coaches to help them push through the things holding them back.

Training #12:
Bouncing Back from Tough Performances

It’s easy when things are going well…it’s difficult when not.  I will help your student-athletes build a plan to bounce back when things are not going the way they want.  Because that gets them to move through the tough times faster so they can get back to being their best self.

Let me give you some insight into how easy this is to implement with your team (just press play):



You might be asking, “So, Matt, what’s in the coaching training piece?” 

Take a look...

The following are example training topics for you Coaches!

Your Coaching Philosophy
Being a GREAT coach is about setting the tone, establishing the standard, and holding your athletes accountable. And your coaching philosophy is key to making this all happen, with no gray areas! Building your unique coaching philosophy will make you a bad-ass coach, where your team will know exactly how you show up as a leader and what they need to do to maintain the standards of excellence.

How to Motivate Your Team
It would be so much easier if your athletes would just do what you ask them to do, right? Unfortunately it doesn’t always work that way! To make it happen, you’ve got to be able to adapt to the different personalities, strengths and weaknesses that you and your entire team have. Learning the art of influence is a HUGE part of being a successful coach and that's what this training is all about!


Even lessons like:

  • How to Hold Amazing Team Meetings
  • How to Deal with Parents
  • How to Have Tough Conversations with Your Athletes
  • Training Your Captains

And many more topics for coaches to help you stand out from the rest!

By now, you might be wondering...


In this groundbreaking student-athlete program, you’re going to integrate this content, the training, the systems and the structure that I’ve developed in a short period of time each week with your athletes.  

It’s a small investment that pays huge dividends for you and your student-athletes in the future.

I’ve helped hundreds of athletes and coaches achieve their goals, and now it’s your turn!

If you were to hire a sports psychologist to work with your team during the year, that will cost you thousands of $$$.

And if you hired me 1-on-1, that would cost you even more!

And this program is EXACTLY what I teach and share in a 1-on-1 or team setting, but at a fraction of the cost for you.

Bottom line, we want to come alongside you to build powerful, mentally strong student-athletes!

Are you in?

Join today for only $49/month

  • The 12 Core Student-Athlete Mental Toughness Training Modules in a Plug'n'Play format to make your life easy while Matt does all the training (Value: $5,997)
  • Next Level Coach Training Modules, so you continue to develop as a coach (Value: $4,997)
  • Monthly Live Group Coaching Sessions, so you can get any questions answered by Matt (Value: $6,000)
  • 1 Discounted Ticket to the Coach Leadership Event: 2-Day Members’ Only Live Event (Value: $997)
  • An unbelievably supportive community of coaches taking their athletes to the next level (Value: Priceless)
  • Virtually risk free as you can cancel anytime (although you won't want to)

Again, don't take my word for it...

check out what our athletes are saying...

“It made me realize that I needed to start having confidence, and that is what has been holding me back in both my sports. I could be so good if I just started to have confidence in myself.

- Kambria
🏐 Volleyball Student-Athlete 🏐

“I think that my biggest takeaway from going through the program was to stay positive and continue to think positively through games and practices even if it gets really hard. I learned that even doing small little things everyday helps, especially visualizing what I want to do. I think what helped me the most was the visualization piece of all of it. I didn’t know the big impact that just thinking about what I wanted to do and how I could do it had on my skill.

– Aubrey
🏐 Volleyball Student-Athlete 🏐

So, Let’s Recap!

When you become a member of the Ultimate Student-Athlete Leadership Program...

✅ You get instant access to the 12 student-athlete training modules to play for your athletes and make them Mentally Tough. (Value: $5,997)

✅ You get the Next Level Coach Training modules to help you elevate your coaching game. (Value: $2,997)

✅ You get monthly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with Matt to answer your questions, clear up doubts, and keep you motivated and on track. (Value: $6,000)

✅ And new Coach Training modules will continue to be added throughout the year (Value: Priceless)


($14,994 to be exact)

Let's Do This!

You’re Facing Two Choices Right Now…

The first choice is to choose to do nothing. This choice ends exactly how you think it will. Do nothing and your student-athletes will be in the exact same place as they are now…12 months later. 

BUT, if you already know that you want to partner with Pro Athlete Advantage to help take your student-athletes to the next level, then your choice is obvious: join us inside The Ultimate Student-Athlete Leadership Program.

Simply click the button below and my team and I will be waiting for you on the inside!

But CHOOSE Quickly!

There is a limited time you have with your student-athletes, and the season is short, especially in high school sports.

Membership in The Ultimate Student-Athlete Leadership Program IS OPEN RIGHT NOW!

Do NOT miss out on the chance to transform your student-athletes starting today!

You CAN do it. 

And my whole team and I will be there to help.

So don't waste another minute.


Here's a few more quotes...

as if you need more convincing.  ;)

“I didn’t know I had the time until I took the time.”

– Jim D.
⚾️High School Varsity Baseball Coach ⚾️

“I learned how to better manage my emotions while in a game and how to not let them get the best of me. The visualizations helped me the most.”

- Amelia
🏐 Volleyball Student-Athlete 🏐

“It helped me with my confidence, I feel like it is okay to make mistakes but to grow from them instead.”

- Avery
🏐 Volleyball Student-Athlete 🏐

Have Questions?
Read through some of our FAQs!

Let's work together to make your student-athletes the best they can be!


Want to save 15% and pay for the entire year?
Click here.

Imagine your athletes saying...

“My biggest takeaway from this program was how much your mentality about the sport helps or hurts your game. It has made me become more confident in myself, in school, hockey, and my social life.  This program is a must and is very informational and helped me a lot with my game.”

- Owen
🏒 Hockey Student-Athlete 🏒

"I learned how to be a Team Captain and how to reset myself when things aren’t going my way.  I also learned how to be more consistent in a lot of different ways, like school.  Definitely do the program.”

- Jacob
🏒 Hockey Student-Athlete 🏒

This program helped me gain control of my emotions a lot more and perform at a higher intensity without becoming overwhelmed. The journal was very helpful.  I would highly encourage the program because it not only improves your sport, but also your lifestyle too.”

- Isaiah
🏒 Hockey Student-Athlete 🏒